Why coaching? Why me? Why all the whys???
My name is Christine Couch. So, why coaching and why me? Two things. Because years ago, I didn’t realize how stuck I was because of my own toxic thinking and because it was the way I saw life done-I had no idea things could be different-better! Because I had no conflict skills and thus, conflict was something that completely locked me up and I lived with overwhelming fear and anxiety when faced with conflict…like-blood run cold, throwing up anxiety…especially when it came to conflict. I was a people-pleasing-peace-faker, not a genuine peace-maker and the two, as it turns out, are quite different. The first leads to toxic relationships that aren’t based on truth, but instead are superficial, driven by fear, and control; the latter leads to healthy, safe, secure, fulfilling, truth & grace-based relationships. (think-‘freeing!’) Because about 20 years ago, I became fascinated at how our thinking affects everything in our lives, from our physical health and wellness to our relationships, to our business, to our parenting…quite literally everything. Because I’m passionate about helping others think differently and transform their relationships, health…whatever is keeping them stuck and not living fully, loving fully, enjoying life fully and fully pursuing all they were meant to do. And, as it turns out, my 6th why-is because, though I have not ‘arrived’, my life and relationships have been transformed by thinking differently. (ok….so that was like 6 things instead of 2) I don’t need to have a life absent conflict to have peace in my life. I have experienced peace in the storm and I am passionate about others experiencing the same.
why mustard seed? Because Matthew 17:20 says, “…For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” Because I believe that. And because I’m starting this business, bringing my own mustard seeds of faith that I have been called to this work, that the Lord will guide me and help me help others; because I’m passionate about helping others move their mountains; because I have seen my own and other’s mustard seeds of faith, move mountains in mine and other’s lives, respectively; because I can’t not coach-it’s what I was born to do-it’s like breathing. For me there is no joy like the joy that results when seeing the light bulb come on for a person and she (or he, or they) think(s) differently about an issue of concern in her life and she breaks free of her ‘stuck-ness’ as a result, and that change is for life-a new beginning….she is forever changed and can’t unsee what she now sees, and as a result thinks differently! Or seeing a marriage doomed for destruction be miraculously re-constructed because just one person decided to start thinking differently. I have personally experienced it, and I have had the privilege of witnessing it in other’s lives…and THAT brings me joy.
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