Why coaching and why would you coach with me? (the Butt-kicker) I am glad you asked! You want to get coached if you are ready to invest in your life and relationship success, moving forward toward solutions and realize the cost of being stuck in the past is no longer an option. ((Not that we don’t ever visit it, we just don’t camp there)). The learning curve with coaching is steep, so you will want to strap on your seatbelt. Though coaching engagements are meant to be shorter term typically than traditional counseling/therapy, and say we coach for 3 months-12 months, you can keep me in your back pocket for a lifetime and come in for tune-ups as needed. (Just like a vehicle, we all need tune-ups from time to time).
Why would you choose to coach with me? We might be a great fit if you want someone who isn’t afraid to ask really hard questions in a kind way, to help us both to understand what is at the core of keeping you stuck. You might choose me if it’s important to you that you are coached by someone who takes a biblical world view-but in the same breath ***doesn’t judge you because that’s not my job!*** I won’t tell you what to do, I don’t give a lot of advice. Instead I help you come to your own solid conclusions because change is stickier if you come to your own conclusions. I am on your team and any great teammate will push you and encourage you so that you keep moving in a positive direction, and growing. I care about your success too much to be afraid you might be offended by my hard questions. (Psssst….it’s the hard questions that help you see great progress!). My goal isn’t for you to come sit on my couch for the next 7 years, stuck while I reap a paycheck. My job is to equip you with tools so you can fly and I am out of a job (well, technically not out of a job-hopefully you have such great breakthrough you tell EVERYBODY and send them my way-that’s the way it should work!). My job is to help you see what you can do and to help empower you. My job is to challenge you to see where you might think about things/do things differently. If location is important to you, you might choose me if you live in beautiful Southwestern Montana-in or around Bozeman and being able to come to a private office location and have an in-person coaching session is important to you. My office is conveniently located just off the I-90/North 7th interchange-with an easy on/easy off the interstate-avoiding the downtown parking and congestion. (Map)You might choose me if you want the convenience of a virtual appointment-avoiding a commute, or live in nowhere near me, but want to work with someone who has Zoom capability and offers virtual coaching over the net-I offer that as well.
Click the link below to get started. Start with a No-Fee 30 Minute Initial Consult if we haven’t seen each other yet so we can see if we are a good fit-risk free! Or select the coaching package that suits you best, whether that be virtual coaching over Zoom or an in-person coaching session in my office in downtown Bozeman, Montana we can accomodate you. Let’s get started moving mountains! https://www.schedulicity.com/scheduling/MSCHY4
Don’t let another day go by being stuck!
Follow me on Facebook@ https://www.facebook.com/wholetruthcoachingThough