There is certainly a pull towards not being still, slowing down and listening to God. There is just so much to do in life, isn’t there?. Taking time to slow down and listen is, at least for me, one of those hard things to do. I confess that I struggle with this. I am wired tight and derive a lot of joy from having an accomplished day. Whether that be taking care of my home, seeing clients, running errands, connecting with friends on a hike-I am a very kinetic person, I like to be in motion. But why? Why do I tend to be more calm and at peace when I am busy? Why am I pulled from being still for a bit and listening to what God has to say and telling Him what is on my heart? What does the ‘busy-ness’ do for me? If you find yourself identifying with this notion-ask yourself the same question. Why?
Is it because in busyness you don’t have to feel all the feelings that you don’t want to feel? Or is it rather that you feel more ‘in control’ when you are busying your little selfie….which would ultimately diminish the feeling of not being in control? Or do you discount what God can do, or might do when we take time to talk to Him, almost treating Him like he isn’t really involved or interested in the day to day details of our lives and challenges or concerns. The truth is, nothing could be further from the truth. Is it because we can’t see Him face to face (though creation itself screams out loud of His glorious existence!) so in our actions we deny him as we forget to take time to be in relationship with Him? Or is it that we’ve wrongly concluded that He isn’t powerful or doesn’t care because somewhere in our past, He didn’t deliver what we thought we needed when we needed it and because He didn’t perform as we thought a loving Father would, we dismissed Him? Or….are we just too dang busy? Life can throw a lot at us. We can feel like we are just trying to dog paddle, doing our best to keep from drowning and taking time to ‘be still and know’ just seems an impossible addition to our day. I get it. I happen to be in one of those seasons myself!
I have found that the best, most productive time in my day is doing the counterintuitive thing, which is to stop and be still-spend some time with the Lord. Praising Him for what He is doing in His infinite wisdom that is beyond my understanding-especially when life blows up and feels out of control, knowing that He can bring good from all that looks hopelessly bad, asking Him to do what only He can do and surrendering my day and my will to His will. It is the best thing I can do.
So….what does it look like to be still and know that He is God? For me it looks like this:
- When I get up I spend some time in the still quietness (which sometimes requires me to be up a little earlier). I grab my cuppa jo and sit in my chair and praise Him. I love to start my day out in gratitude-it changes my whole outlook when I get still and take time to find things to praise Him over-especially when things are difficult.
- Reading the Psalms-when I read the Psalms-I find it to guide my heart in prayers. So many of the Psalms are telling God how hard it is and how hopeless it all looks, but then at the same time, the Psalmist reminds himself during the prayer that God is bigger, his Refuge and Strength in times of trouble.
- Tell the Lord your struggles and all that is on your heart-ask Him for His help! That alone is worshipful and acknowledging Him as Who He Is.
- I love reading the New Testament-and as I read, scripture that speaks to me-I love to memorize. Not so I can be a scripture quoting bible thumper-but because I have scripture in the ‘back pocket of my mind’ so that when I am out and about in life and life gets ‘lifey’ I can speak it over my situation, or pray it over my situation-which is game changing. He (and His Word) really is a help in times of trouble-guiding my heart and thinking towards the next right thing to do.
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