New and hot off the press!

This course takes the best of the best tools I have in my cache and gives them to you in an audible PowerPoint presentation which includes 6 lessons with 5 study guides to accompany the lessons. (1 lesson is a lesson and study guide all in one)
Why did I start with a course for trouble shooting marriage?
I started with that topic because it is one of my table pounding passions. I see marriage after marriage, spouse after spouse complain of frustrations within their marriages, complaints that I felt I could coach them around if they would just commit to implementing the tools and get coached. I would hear expressed bewilderments, confessed patterns of dysfunction that are unnecessary with only some tools and guidance. Based on divorce statistics roughly 50% or more marriages are ending in divorce-that means a lot of people with a huge need. I fundamentally believe that most people who end up divorced don’t actually want a divorce, they settle for divorce because they don’t know what to do and don’t have the tools to work it out or know where to go. I seek to help. I use these tools in my office daily and see them light up with, ‘Aha!’ moments all the time. I see the peace that comes with them letting go of trying to control an outcome and focusing instead on just controlling themselves and doing the next right thing.
Why offer courses instead of just offering private coaching?
Some people don’t want to come for coaching because they are afraid of opening up about their private life with someone they don’t know, others feel they can’t afford private coaching but desperately need/want the tools. This way they can dip their toes in at a comfortable price in the privacy of their own home and glean all they can from the course. If they want to go deeper and feel they could work with me on a personal level, they can always book me for private coaching.
So what specifically is included in this course?
- 6 powerful weekly lessons with study guides to assist clients with practical application.
- Audible PowerPoint lessons to help with immersion of the concepts using audio/visual
- Topics and Tools: defining love, boundaries in marriage, communication hacks, understanding what drives you and may be driving your spouse (why you do what you do), tools to help you challenge and change your perspective and being a safe spouse
- Biblically supported foundation
- To purchase the course go to: Christian Marriage Trouble-Shooting 6 Week Course | Mustard Seed (

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