Ok, back to the niggly things that get in the way…..
Niggly Little Thing #1: Overcoming people pleasing-just ask…..
I decided I wanted to create more time in my day by getting up a little earlier. I had a couple issues though, a couple of niggly things I allowed to get in my head space, keeping me from rising with the roosters.
To get up earlier and desire to wake to something that doesn’t set my blood cortisol levels higher than a PTSD flash-back, a year or so ago, I purchased a circadian alarm clock which wakes you up naturally to a soft amber light mimicking a sunrise that, over several minutes starts waking me with a dim light that gets brighter and brighter-to like a high noon light. Very gently, and very naturally it’s designed to wake us….can I just say?….it’s very nice! Here is where the rub comes in. My husband is off on Wednesdays and weekends and deep down, I don’t want to disturb him by having my ‘sunshine’ go off, not only waking me, but waking him also, imposing my new wake habit on him. The more jarring traditional alarm clock with the bleep-bleep-bleep or wonk-wonk-wonk can quickly be shut down at first bleep or wonk and often won’t wake the other person if there is a habit established. They can often sleep right through it. Because we are wired to naturally wake with light, it’s harder for a partner to sleep through undisturbed. For me, that bleep or wonk just isn’t a pleasant way to wake…..it’s like my body fights it because, during the fall, winter and spring months, I am waking up in the dark, way up here in the northern part of the northern hemisphere. Our bodies like to wake naturally to light, it’s harder for us to wake to an audibly jarring alarm in the dark.
Fast forward to me knowing this at the very least at a semi-subconscious level. I scored in the pretty-easy-going-husband department. All I really needed to do is ask and get buy-in from him for the daylight alarm clock that could potentially disturb sleep for him on his days off so that I/we actually establish healthier sleep patterns by not sleeping in, keeping our circadian rhythm firing right, all the while helping me accomplish goals and creating more time in my day. All I had to do is ask. I just hate to ask. I hate to disturb anyone’s sleep. Really a niggly little thing I was letting get in the way, right? Yesterday, I simply had a conversation and asked. I got an immediate, ‘Yes!’ buy in. Easy peasy. Last night? Programmed and set the new alarm clock. Done.
Niggly Little Thing #2. Overcoming resistance to growing my technological savviness…..
Programming/setting the alarm clock! I tend to not like futzing with technology. Can I say?….it’s not my jam. Setting the darn thing takes a little doing. Sitting down, interpreting instructions and setting the clock. In the scheme of things-not a big deal, just not in my wheel-house of gifting. Again-stupid little niggly thing in the way of me having a daily alarm that helps me rise, shine and greet the day peacefully. Small price. Big bang for my investment buck of a few minutes of technological knowledge expansion. A niggly little thing that on a subconscious level, I let stand in my way for months, stealing productivity. Last night-sat and futzed with the thing and within a mostly painless 15 minutes, had the thing up and going. This morning, wakey-wake to a peaceful, waking, gradual simulated sunrise-it was devine!
What niggly little hurdles are you letting keep you from setting new good habits you desire to instill?
Stop, get still and quiet and think about what new habit you wish to instill. Play it in your mind. What do you let keep impeding this habit? Like me, are you concerned how your new habit will affect those around you-and instead of just asking and getting buy-in, you don’t take action? Is it a doable little programming technology thing that happens to not be in your wheelhouse that you are letting stand in your way? Is it a very doable investment in equipment that you might need to skip some latte indulgences to divert funds to, to make this new habit happen? What is it? What are you letting stand in your way?
Coffee in hand, I’m writing this morning. A new habit-coming to fruition.
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