As humans we have much in common-we are human. We all have emotions, the ability to critically think. We all hope for a future as opposed to the rest of the animal kingdom that lives in the now. We all laugh, we cry, we mourn the loss of loved ones and pets. We suffer disappointment. We need love. We all breathe air and need oxygen. Most of us are blessed to have all the senses, sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste. Many of us suffer with addictions of many kinds, all of us flawed. We are indeed complex, fearfully and wonderfully made. We all have this thing called a brain-and if we go through anatomy and physiology class we walk away concluding that all our brains are the same. And on the surface it seems so but….though all our brains may look mostly alike, functionally they are different. Functionally there are 4 main types with 16 combination (subtypes), each type thriving with its own unique need in terms of nutrition/supplementation. The more I learn about the human brain (my brain) the more I am amazed at God’s design. The thing that makes us distinctly human is our brain. Brains run countries and brains run households-both need optimal healthy brains. Brains are behind the way we interact in marriage and other relationships. The more I understand about the human brain from a scientific standpoint, the more I take that knowledge into my coaching practice helping people understand why they do what they do, how to coach clients more effectively and efficiently, how different brain types need different supplementation so that people can optimize what they have been given and heal when there has been damage. While there is most certainly a spiritual component to why we behave the way we do, we are flawed sinners in need of a Redeemer, there is most certainly a biological component to our behavior as well. What if we could optimize the biological piece? The good news is that we can! Did you know that your brain contains 1000 million neurons? That’s a LOT! Did you know that your brain is the consistency of soft butter contained within a hostile environment of the inner skull that has hard somewhat sharp ridges-in other words, it doesn’t take much of a bump to do some serious damage-and that damage can result in a serious change in behavior and emotion. We can choose what sports we decide to engage in so as to minimize the damage we expose our brains to. Those bumps, depending on where they occur can result in depression, aggression, anger, and all the things that go along with it. In other words, as Dr. Daniel Amen-a trailblazing expert on all things ‘brain health’ says, there is no such thing as a minor concussion. In other words, you don’t have to lose consciousness to be left with damage that can impact how you feel and function in life. He has studied and archived over 200,000 SPECT scans-which are brain scans that show anatomically the function of a person’s brain. Whether it’s functioning normally, too active or under-active. We are effected when different areas of our brains are hyper or hypo active-predictably. He has also proven that there is much that we can do by way of lifestyle-diet, exercise, supplementation, etc… to nurture and heal our brains, improve the function of our brains and thus the quality of our lives and relationships. Often ADHD symptoms can be radically improved by changing the diet, not needing medication. By improving the health of our brains we can make better choices. We can actually reverse the functional age of our brains by making incremental changes to the way we live our lives, delaying or avoiding the ravages of dementia, healing the damage caused by environmental toxins such as the inhalation of solvents, exposure to mold, or damage secondary to alcohol intake, unhealthy foods combined with a sedentary lifestyle. I have seen before and after SPECT scans of people who were seen for various symptoms who made changes to the things they could control and was amazed at what could be accomplished within a very short amount of time, as little as 3 months. We also can destroy the health and function of our brains, based on the choices we make, aging our brains prematurely by creating a toxic brain.
How much of our mood, anger, seemingly out of control reactivity might be influenced by what is going on in our brains not only spiritually but biologically? Turns out, a lot.
To make an appointment for coaching towards healing relationships, living with more peace even in the chaos of life, joy and a healthier brain, go to www.mustardseedcoachingandmediation.com and schedule your Initial No-Fee Consultation today.
To our brain health, joy and relationships!
Click here to check out my Christian Marriage Troubleshooting 6 Week Course for all kinds of tools to think differently and navigate the relationship challenges that come with marriage: Christian Marriage Trouble-Shooting 6 Week Course | Mustard Seed (teachable.com)