How is it only day 2 of the new year and I am already feeling behind the 8-ball?  It’s true that somehow time bends as you get older and somehow flies faster and faster.  My hubs and I were just chatting on our way to date night Saturday evening and couldn’t believe that just a few short weeks away would be the 5th anniversary of our trip to Israel together.  How could 5 years fly by so quickly?  It literally doesn’t feel that far gone.  Maybe 3 years, but in no way does it seem 5 years has passed.  Sigh.  I wonder if that is a sign of age hitting us?

As we step into 2024, another year before us will likely fly by again.  I want to savor it.  I want to make my every moment count.  I want to spend sweet time with precious friends.  We lost a loved one this past fall.  I accomplished a lot last year.  The last quarter was especially intense-juggling a few frying pans both personally and professionally.  And while it feels good to know that at 57, I can still bring it when needed professionally, the time for personal relationships felt like it went by the wayside.  Balance.  I want to have another year of incredible accomplishment, but I want 2024 to be rich with intentional time blocked to spend with friends and family.  I want to make memories that will make me laugh and smile, with maybe a few tears of joy when I am old(er) and can’t get around as I do now. 

I just looked back and read my New Year’s blog post from 2023 contemplating what I would write in this year’s?  I quickly perused what I wrote last year.  In January 2023,  I had high hopes of writing and recording a couple more courses.  Life took turns I didn’t expect.  While I didn’t write a couple of courses-I DID however, write my first e-book for marrieds!  How To Wreck Your Marriage 101.  What a journey!  I am firing up my virtual pen and getting rolling on the next book.  (a new secret addiction has begun!).   I made time to walk a loved one through the last part of this life’s journey.  I attended real estate school, tested and became a licensed agent in December.  My plans for 2023 changed.   My coaching practice enveloped more work with clients processing trauma, which was a very challenging and rewarding part of my journey around the sun last year.  Turns out, I love working with trauma!  There was the unexpected blessing of new treasured friends and loved ones coming into my life-relationships, true gems.  Treasured memories.  I learned how to ride a one-wheel (thanks Danny!).  I learned that I could slow down, take necessary time off so I could bounce back from a concussion.  (no, the two weren’t related).  I learned that concrete is not very forgiving.  I learned to ask for help from my husband and I learned that he delighted in jumping in and helping….and that he can whip together a mean salad when necessary. 

I hope your 2024 is crazy blessed.  I hope you make room for new treasured relationships.  I hope you find you are stronger than you thought you were.  I hope that you draw nearer to the ultimate source of strength, love, grace, compassion, mercy, patience, and Truth-Jesus.  I hope your blessings aren’t just temporal-but enduring.  I hope you are comforted through your trials, and that you see beyond the immediate trial and see blessing bloom, even out of loss, pain and struggle.  I hope you lean into weakness, learn to ask for help when necessary and say your sorry when that’s needed.  I hope you make room for other’s failures when they let you down and learn to be quick to forgive.  I hope you make room for miracles, because they happen. Finally,  I hope you cling the Way, the Truth and the Life, John 14:16. 

Click https://www.schedulicity.com/scheduling/MSCHY4 to book a No-Fee Initial Consult to start working through the kinks to live your best life now!

Grab a copy of my new e-book! How to Wreck Your Marriage 101. It’s jam-packed with lots of solutions to common, everyday struggles in marriage.

Click here to check out my Christian Marriage Troubleshooting 6 Week Course for all kinds of tools to think differently and navigate the relationship challenges that come with marriage: Christian Marriage Trouble-Shooting 6 Week Course | Mustard Seed (teachable.com)

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