Can I just say? Winter has officially made it to Montana with negative 30’s to negative 40’s this past week. We are feeling frisky and frolicky with a high of 39 above zero today. Nearly bikini weather for us extreme northerners.
With these freezing temps, it’s less appealing to go out for a midday hike to get some sunshine on our faces and fresh air. Some days the air is just a little too fresh to appeal. It’s not just us Montanans though, apparently it was only 4 above zero a couple days ago in Arkansas. I didn’t know it got that cold down there. If it is dangerously cold out, taking some time to gratitude journal can help because feel what we focus on. Being intentional about focusing on what we are grateful for is huge! How has God blessed you? (go on a gratitude rant!)
So why talk about the cold and winter? Well, with all that shut in time, people can find it hard to stay positive and energized. An upbeat mood, even the motivation to get out of bed in the morning can be tough this time of year. It can be a challenge with all the sickness being passed around, keeping people isolated. Cabin fever is a real thing. Winter blahs are a real thing. SAD-seasonal affect disorder is a real thing. We aren’t all effected the same but there are some real things we can do to help combat the bummer moods that can come along with winter.
Being intentional about setting up time to get together with friends can do a heart good as well. Consider putting together a regular potluck and game night once a week, or a couple times a month. It will not only be something for you to look forward to, but be a lift to others who may be struggling also. It is good for us to be with other people, we were created for relationship. Increased isolation is linked with increased depression, anxiety and low mood.
Did you know that 75% of people effected by seasonal depression are female? Dr. Berg makes the link between decreased vitamin D (because we aren’t getting the sun we need) and decreased estrogen. Check out this link to a quick video by Dr. Berg here. He has suggestions for helps with shutting down the blues by supplementing with Vitamin D3 and light therapy. Studies have shown light therapy to be as effective as Prozac for seasonal affective disorder. We have two therapy lights at our house, one for my husband and one for me. Wouldn’t do winter without them! This link will take you to the one that we have, the Bright Minds Therapy Lamp from Brain Md, presently under $50 and, if you are a new customer, they often have a significant discount on your first order. We have had other lamps that were smaller and didn’t have as many features as this lamp has. I love that it has an adjustable timer, white light or blue light, you can also adjust the intensity.
Another important thing our bodies and brains need is exercise. I know, I know. We are exactly 17 days into 2024 and most people have abandoned their resolutions to make ‘this year’ the year we get more exercise in, etc. etc. But what if you viewed exercise like you view putting gas in your car? Your car doesn’t move without fuel. Your body doesn’t move without fuel either. A balanced healthy fuel loaded diet will move us towards getting enough macro and micro nutrients our bodies need. We need a good fuel source to be able to exercise as well. We can’t be starving ourselves to lose 30 pounds for an important wedding to attend in June and ask our bodies to exercise at the same time. Exercise increases mitochondria, which are the energizer bunnies of our cells. The more we exercise, the more energy we have. You never see a person with a ton of energy who is also depressed. The two don’t go hand in hand. At the same time, our brains get oxygenated when we bust a move too….and our brains are the most metabolically active organ in our bodies. Your brain (your body’s CPU) is only 3 pounds but burns through 20% of your body’s oxygen intake. So, fuel your body with healthy fats, proteins and complex carbohydrates; drink plenty of water; bust a move in the sun, sit in front of a therapy light, grab some D and sail through the next few months of winter we have left. We’ll be hitting the links in no time!
Grab a copy of my new e-book! How to Wreck Your Marriage 101. It’s packed with hints on several common things we do that sabotage our marriages and what we can do to fix what we are doing. Starting with how we are thinking about our spouses and marriages!
Click https://www.schedulicity.com/scheduling/MSCHY4 to book a No-Fee Initial Consult to start working through the kinks to live your best life now!
Click here to check out my Christian Marriage Troubleshooting 6 Week Course for all kinds of tools to think differently and navigate the relationship challenges that come with marriage: Christian Marriage Trouble-Shooting 6 Week Course | Mustard Seed (teachable.com)