What If?
What a fantastic question. Imagine all the possibility attached to it as thought starter.
Of course we have the option of attaching a positive or a negative to it….so let’s play with the positive.
Humor me.
What if……..
- I focused on the good in people instead of the bad?
- I focused on what I am grateful for?
- I saw opportunity in the challenge?
- I lived counterintuitively and responded with kindness in the face of thoughtlessness?
- I sought to lift someone else up everyday by saying something genuinely kind?
- I did a random act of kindness, intentionally, weekly if not daily?
- I imagined on what is possible in the face of the challenge or problem?
- I lived with intention instead of reactivity?
- I committed to some form of exercise 3-4 x/ week for 15 minutes if I am doing nothing in the way of exercise currently? (that’s allotting 45 minutes to an hour a week)
- We focused on what the above would do for our mental and physical health over a year, 5 years, 10 years!
- I volunteered somewhere this week or weekly, monthly?
- I made and brought coffee to my spouse this week when that might usually be their role?
- I did for my spouse a chore when they are the one who usually does that? (laundry, dishes, dinner, take garbage out, raking leaves, shoveling snow?) or at least join them in it if sitting and watching tv.
- I took 30 min to nap when needed? (I happen to personally know a wildly successful, energetic, positive, kind person who does that as a practice daily who gets done more in a week than most accomplish in a year)
- I realized that one way or another I will leave a legacy and can be intentional about the legacy I leave?
- I focused on what I want to create/or the goal I want to achieve instead of what I want to avoid?
- I took time to read 15 min a day?
- I sat in the sun for 10 min at the beginning or end of the day?
- I eliminated one thing from my diet each month that isn’t helping me achieve the health I desire?
- I created a technology free time zone in my day/evening?
- I picked one thing that I’m afraid to do and did it anyway?
- I focused on improving one thing in my work day?
- I said, ‘Good Morning’ to someone at work that I interact with but am challenged by?
- I focused on what I could contribute in my marriage/relationship rather than what I’m not getting?
- I took 3 exercise snack breaks a day and busted out push-ups, crunches, squats, stretched and/or a walk? ***can be as small as 5-10 minutes!
- I focused on becoming a better listener?
- I was quick to say I’m sorry and own my mistakes?
Ok…..you play. A positive ‘What If’ you can do in the comments below.
The first 20 to click this link: Christian Marriage Trouble-Shooting 6 Week Course | Mustard Seed (teachable.com), scroll to the bottom of the page, and put in your email address to get my weekly ‘What-If?’ Life Changer…..explored in slightly greater detail. I also will select some of your What If’s to explore in the weekly email. Engaging in ‘What-If’ thinking can be life changing…..game changing…..marriage changing…..legacy changing! Just one thought, just changing one thing can change…….everything!